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Post Secondary: BARAUD, Marie Lourdes - 10 of 15 Shares Sponsored

The monthly amount needed to sponsor a student is divided into shares - each share is $10/month. You can choose to be the child's only sponsor and select all of the shares, or you can choose a portion of the shares and another sponsor(s) will take the remaining shares. If you have any questions about the sponsorship program please email us at and we will happily give you more of an explanation.

Post Secondary: BARAUD, Marie Lourdes

Place Grand Goave

Age 27

Gender Female

Name of School Magna

Program Name Hospitality Diploma

Program Length (years) 2

Marie Lourdes has had a rough couple of years. Her father passed away in 2020 and she has been staying at a friend’s house ever since. She had grown close with her father the past couple of years and she wished that she had gone home to live with him earlier. However, she knows that he was proud of her accomplishments in school and the hard work ethic she has developed.


Marie Lourde finished grade 13 in 2021 but she did not pass her final exams. At the time she was considering going into nursing so she decided to give the final exam another try. When she didn’t pass them again in 2021 she decided to change her career path and go into hospitality. At first she was disappointed but she quickly embraced the decision and she is now very excited about the opportunities that will be available to her. She already has some practical experience at a Guest House that hosts missionaries and she enjoyed that very much. She will also consider working in a hotel in Port-au-Prince, or even work in the DR, after she graduates.


As Marie Lourdes has no support network at home we will be covering the cost of her tuition (our normal procedure) as well as helping her with transportation, uniforms, and additional school fees (usually covered by parents).