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Elementary: ALCINDOR, Fredieuson - 3 of 3 Shares Sponsored

The monthly amount needed to sponsor a student is divided into shares - each share is $10/month. You can choose to be the child's only sponsor and select all of the shares, or you can choose a portion of the shares and another sponsor(s) will take the remaining shares. If you have any questions about the sponsorship program please email us at and we will happily give you more of an explanation.

Elementary: ALCINDOR, Fredieuson

Place Grand Goave

Age 12

Gender Male

Grade 2

Name of School Servante Pour Tous

Fredieuson’s mom, Francine, is a single mom with three young children. She has neighbours & friends who help their family but the majority of responsibility lies on her. As she needs to be at home with her children most of the time she got a job at a local school sweeping the yard and cleaning the classrooms. This schedule works for her and the children but it doesn’t provide them enough income to pay for tuition and meet their basic needs.


Sponsoring Fredieuson to go to school will ensure his education remains a priority while his mom uses her small income for essentials.


Fredieuson loves to play soccer and hang out with his friends. He like having his mom work at the school because it means he can spend more time on the playground and she’s there for recess to buy him a treat.