The monthly amount needed to sponsor a student is divided into shares - each share is $10/month. You can choose to be the child's only sponsor and select all of the shares, or you can choose a portion of the shares and another sponsor(s) will take the remaining shares. If you have any questions about the sponsorship program please email us at and we will happily give you more of an explanation.
Place Grand Goave
Age 23
Gender Male
Grade 10
Name of School Coeur a Coeur
Nono is the youngest of six. He lives in Grand Goave with his Uncle and several of his siblings. His family is from Tetebef (a small mountain community near Grand Goave) and his parents have a plot of land there that they farm. There is no school in Tetebef so Nono’s parents have sent the children to live with their Uncle so they can attend school. His parents go back & forth between Tetebef & Grand Goave as often as possible. Nono goes up to Tetebef every chance he gets and enjoys helping in the family garden.
As the youngest son, Nono spent the longest time at his family home in Tetebef, and he got a late start in school. Nevertheless, he enjoys school and is determined to graduate.
We asked Nono what he likes to do and a long list of things came rushing out! He loves to sing, he plays the saxophone in the church band, he likes to read, he likes to eat rice & vegetables, and his favorite color is blue! When Nono graduates he has his heart set on becoming an engineer.
While determination is an important character trait, it will not be enough to get Nono to graduation day. His family is struggling and it is the cultural norm for the youngest to be the one to drop out of school as the others are farther along. Let’s not let that happen! Together we can make a difference!