The monthly amount needed to sponsor a student is divided into shares - each share is $10/month. You can choose to be the child's only sponsor and select all of the shares, or you can choose a portion of the shares and another sponsor(s) will take the remaining shares. If you have any questions about the sponsorship program please email us at and we will happily give you more of an explanation.
Place Grand Goave
Age 22
Gender Male
Grade 11
Name of School Centre d'etude Ernest Vaval
Jean Rony is small for his age but he makes up for his size with his strength! His dad is a brick layer and Jean Rony has worked alongside him as a labourer for as long as he can remember.
Jean Rony has two brothers and two sisters and he likes to consider himself the most independent. He enjoys school, is conscientious in his studies, and has set a goal for himself to graduate High School. Many of his friends have already dropped out of the school so this is a solid goal for him, and one that we’d like to help him achieve!
Jean Rony’s mother passed away when he was 15 years old. He and his siblings, have rallied around their dad, and they remain a close family. Helping Jean Rony finish school would relieve financial pressure from his father and ensure that Jean Rony’s education remains a priority.