Published Thu, Jan 30, 25.
Written by Rebecca Honorat.
Time to Celebrate!
I often say 'together we can make a difference' and this is one of the times that we did!
Three of our scholarship students have recently graduated from their post secondary programs and we want to take time to celebrate their achievements today.
Shelda - 4 year Nursing Diploma
Shelda graduated high school when she was 21 years old. She was older than most of the students but that didn't bother her - she was so proud to have accomplished this milestone! Many of her friends had already dropped out to take on domestic duties at home, or start families of their own.
Shelda's father is a shepherd and raises mostly goats and cows. Her mother has a small market stall where she sells non-perishable goods. They were able to get her through high school but couldn't afford to send her to a post secondary program. Shelda had dreamed of becoming a nurse for as long as she can remember. She asked her aunt for assistance and together they were able to get her through her first year of university. Shelda was devastated at the thought of dropping out so she applied for a scholarship with us - and we are so glad she did!
With the help of a faithful donor, we have been able to support Shelda through her last 3 years of nursing. She has now graduated and is doing a practicum at a local hospital. Shelda's hard work and determination has paid off and her accomplishment is certainly worth celebrating!
Occilene - 4 year nursing diploma
Occilene was born in Mount Blan, a small community in northern Haiti that is established on the side of a sand mine. Mount Blan means ‘white mountain’ and the dust of the fine white sand that is mined there covers everything. The community has no access to school and they need to walk hours to collect fresh drinking water.
Both of Occilene’s parents passed away when she was young and she moved in with her adult cousin in Grand Goave. She got a late start but she had dreamed of going to school and she seized the opportunity. The hard work and determination that had been engrained in her so early in life helped immensely and Occilene gave school her full attention.
Occilene set a goal of becoming a nurse and returning to her home community in Mount Blanc. She has now graduated from her 4 year nursing program and she is doing a final practicum at a local hospital. Way to go Occilene!
We've all heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, Occilene is a living example of this. It took a village of her Aunt and their extended family to raise Occilene when her parents passed away, and it took a village of 6 sponsors to support Occilene in her nursing program. Occilene is very grateful for the support and looks forward to the day that she can be part of the village that gives back to Mount Blan.
Marie Lourdes - 2 year hospitality diploma
Marie Lourdes' mother died when she was young and she spent most of her childhood in a children's home. She returned to live with her father when she was in high school. Her father is a farmer during the rainy season and his main crops are beans and corn. He saves some for his family but most of his harvest goes to the market so he can buy essentials.
Marie Lourdes was very nervous to return home as she knew her father couldn't afford to pay for her to continue with her school. She had seen many of her friends drop out already and she knew their spiral of bad decisions was connected to leaving school. We were able to walk alongside Marie Lourde and her father by helping her to complete her final 2 years of high school and then successfully graduate from a 2 year hospitality program at a local college.
Marie Lourdes has excelled in her program and we are so excited to see her enter this next season of her life.
4 donors joined us in sponsoring Marie Lourde - you have helped Marie Lourdes achieve her academic goals and empowered her to choose her path forward.
Thank you to the 11 donors who helped Shelda, Occilene, and Marie Lourde reach this huge milestone!
I know you are all celebrating alongside of me today.
If you have been considering sponsoring a student, we have some that need additional support. Send me an email at and I'll connect you with one.
Rebecca Honorat Executive Director
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